Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Work continues...

Well, it's been a while since I updated my blog (again!). I guess the main reason the rate of my posting has decreased is because progress has been a little slower than we expected. Looking back to when we orginally began writing the script for this project, it seems amusing to think we could complete the pre production stage so soon (i think we gave ourselves until the beggining of term two). However, I am confident that we will be able to conclude the script writing phase soon, and begin filming. I believe that we have organised our actors for the project, so once we complete the script we will just have to work out the locations for filming before we can begin.

Yesterday the two Daniels and myself had a group meeting/script writing session, and we got a lot done. I think that we're all starting to get a sense of urgency about the project, as the end of the year isn't that far away and we still have a lot of work to do.

I've also resurected my account which I made about a month ago, it's probably about time I added some of the websites which I've visited during the course of my research during the year (especially seeing as I'm getting assessed on this!!). I'm also currently doing my self-assessment for DIM. Hopefully I'm not doing too badlly!

Apart from all of this, I've just finished my exams for the MYAP period, and now I have a few days off before heading back to school.

I think thats pretty much it, until next time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Well, it's been a while since my last post on this journal. We have written the first four or so pages of our script, and also done the background info on all of our characters. We have made a change to how we want to begin our film, so we will have to re-write the beginning of the script.

Last week we made a presentation to the rest of class detailing what our project is about. Unfortunately this ate into our class time a little, so as a result we are beginning to fall behind our pre-production schedule. Hopefully we should really get going with our script writing now so that we can give ourselves plenty of time on filming, post production, etc.

Last week or the week before we held a team meeting with a voice recorder so that we could use that as documentation of our planning and development of the film. We uploaded the sound file to Danny's laptop, so perhaps he will host it on his blog if he remembers...

Well, I think that pretty much covers it until next time.

Word Up.